Securing an internship with a globally recognised brand
Tammie Argent-Peters2024-11-29T10:32:20+00:0029/11/2024|coca cola enterprises | cranfield school of management | cranfield university | internships | management msc | postgraduate | student study tours | study tours | sustainability|
I recently completed my MSc in Management at Cranfield School of Management, an institution renowned for its exceptional faculty and world-class resources. As a 24-year-old student coming from India, I chose Cranfield because of its ...
How does Cranfield prepare me to be a counterterrorism specialist?
Gareth Hall2024-03-05T11:23:58+00:0005/03/2024|Counterterror | counterterrorism | digital forensics | postgraduate | Resilience | Risk Management | Terror threat|
It was during the 1880’s that the first dedicated counterterrorism body was formed. The United Kingdom’s Metropolitan Police created the Special Irish Branch to combat the ongoing terror campaign by the Irish Fenians. ...
Air Transport Management MSc student and scholarship awardee Anamaria Dioane reflects on her year at Cranfield
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:59:23+01:0019/08/2020|air transport management | aviation | hellocranfield | master's | master's degree | masters scholarship | msc | postgraduate | queen's anniversary prize | scholarship | student journey | transport systems|
Hi everyone! My name is Anamaria Dioane, I am from Romania and I have been studying the Air Transport Management MSc. Incredibly, after almost a year full of challenges and unforgettable moments, my Cranfield journey ...
The Marketing Consultancy Project with Fitflop
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:06:36+01:0024/04/2019|consultancy | marketing | postgraduate|
Hello folks! My classmates and I had the opportunity to work on a marketing consulting project as part of the MSc Strategic Marketing. Sounds interesting right? So, let’s get to more about it! Each year, ...
Becoming employable in a year with bioinformatics
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:10:29+01:0031/07/2018|agrifood | applied bioinformatics | Bioinformatics | careers | msc | postgraduate|
During my time at school, we had very little careers advice - the focus was always on getting into a good university. It was constantly drummed into us that we needed good grades and extracurricular ...
Day one of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc study tour in Wroclaw, Poland
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:39:05+01:0018/04/2018|cranfield school of management | logistics | management | poland | postgraduate | study abroad | study tour | supply chain | wroclaw|
I was lucky to be selected for the study tour to Wroclaw, Poland where we have some very exciting organizations to visit. Wroclaw itself is a very old city which was ruled by Czech and ...