life on campus
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology students Grace and Trish on life at Cranfield
Zoe Nimmo2024-04-17T10:08:40+01:0009/04/2024|Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology | life on campus | mental health | stress awareness month | student experience | student journey | Wellbeing|
“Me and Grace met during our undergrad in Ireland, and we’ve been inseparable ever since to the point that we followed each other to another country to do our master’s” – Trish Commins Forensic ...
Life on campus with a family
Lina Mitchell2023-05-24T10:18:38+01:0016/05/2023|Family life on campus | International Families Day | international students | life on campus | university with family|
Here at Cranfield University, we provide a safe and supportive environment for students to bring their families with them when they come to study with us. Our current students share their thoughts on living on ...
Life on campus and studying an Advanced Water Management MSc at Cranfield
Lauren Owers2023-02-08T18:32:07+00:0001/02/2023|advanced water management | choosing cranfield | cranfield campus | Cranfield Careers Service | Cranfield funding | cranfield water | halls of residence | international scholarship | international student in uk | IWA | IWA scholarship | life on campus | scholarship | sustainable water futures | water|
After a year of working in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector, I started to look for opportunities to further my knowledge about water resources. Researching water organisations on LinkedIn led me to find ...
Coming to Cranfield and my journey so far studying Water and Sanitation for Development
Lauren Owers2023-01-11T16:02:19+00:0011/01/2023|#InternationalStudents | choosing cranfield | Commonwealth Scholarship | Commonwealth Shared Scholarship | cranfield experience | fees and funding | full time masters | funding | life on campus | msc | water | Water and Sanitation | water and sanitation for development|
It all happened so fast! I went from dreaming about it to living it. The lockdown in Uganda gave me two whole years to think about what I wanted to do in my next ...
Our student experience at Cranfield University as husband and wife
Lauren Owers2022-10-03T13:35:42+01:0024/08/2022|advanced mechanical engineering | csa | energy and sustainability | group project | life on campus | living on campus | mechanical engineering | the cranfield scholarship | thesis|
We asked married couple, Sachin and Smaranika about their experience of coming to the UK and studying at Cranfield University as husband and wife… Why did you both choose to come to Cranfield? We are ...
My Cranfield experience so far
Lauren Owers2022-08-18T10:25:16+01:0010/08/2022|advanced mechanical engineering | cranfield university | energy and power | life on campus | thesis|
We asked Moses a few questions about his time at Cranfield so far... Why did you choose to come to Cranfield? Cranfield University is one of the most reputable universities in the UK and ...