Manufacturing and Materials
Ruben Hrstka Sanchez’s journey from Advanced Materials to Formula 1
Poonam Maini2024-02-14T12:30:12+00:0014/02/2024|Tags: advanced materials msc, europe, France, manufacturing|
Ruben Hrstka-Sanchez is currently studying for an MSc in Advanced Materials at Cranfield University and plans to graduate later this year (2024). He is originally from France, where he was studying Mechanical Engineering at ...
On-demand webinar: Industry and manufacturing’s journey to net zero
Antonia Molloy2024-02-07T12:15:13+00:0007/02/2024|Tags: aerospace, carbon emissions, electrification, energy and sustainability, hydrogen, low carbon, manufacturing and materials, net zero, renewable energy, sustainable aviation, sustainable manufacturing|
On Tuesday 30 January 2024, Cranfield University hosted a webinar on the theme of net zero. Globally, countries, governments, and industries are focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to as close as zero as ...
Becoming an Additive Manufacturing Engineer: Hassan Esmaeili’s Story
Poonam Maini2024-02-05T13:44:06+00:0005/02/2024|Tags: Iran, manufacturing, Metal Additive Manufacturing, Welding|
Hassan Esmaeili has been an Additive Manufacturing Engineer at Cranfield University since graduating from Cranfield with a Welding Engineering MSc in 2023. He came to the UK from Iran with his family and is ...
Three reasons to study Additive Manufacturing at Cranfield
Poonam Maini2024-01-30T10:44:29+00:0030/01/2024|Tags: india, manufacturing, Metal Additive Manufacturing, PhD|
“Do not hesitate. Additive manufacturing is a booming industry that is still at a primitive stage and promises a significant amount of novel work and research and development.” Part-time boxer, Shantanu Mitra was ...
Choosing Cranfield University: A Decision Based on Quality Education and Industry Experience
Poonam Maini2024-01-10T13:29:18+00:0010/01/2024|Tags: Maintenance Engineering and Asset Management, manufacturing, Nigeria, Sub Sahara Africa|
By studying the Maintenance Engineering and Asset Management MSc at Cranfield University, Jamilu Buhari, from Nigeria, is able to pursue a passion that aligns with his profession. He decided to choose a reputable institution ...
Net zero in asset management: The concept and the challenge
Antonia Molloy2023-11-29T14:36:03+00:0029/11/2023|Tags: asset management, green manufacturing, long-life assets, manufacturing and materials, manufacturing systems, net zero, sustainable manufacturing, through-life engineering, through-life management|
The concept of net zero has emerged as a key solution in addressing the pressing global challenges of climate change and environmental sustainability. Industries across various sectors increasingly recognise the need to reduce their ...