Teaching Sustainability: More than just a game
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:29:31+01:0022/03/2018|Tags: management, Management course activities, msc management and corporate sustainability, sustainability|
Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to a more serious business or policy environment has increasingly gained attention in the last years ...
Achieving a sustainable future is Mission Possible
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:12:22+01:0020/02/2018|Tags: c4d, design, sustainability|
What does the sustainable business of 2030 look like? This is the question asked to 18 sustainability business leaders in a two-day workshop as part of the edie Sustainability Leaders Forum, sponsored by Cranfield University ...
The ‘seductive’ side of sustainability
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:00:13+01:0011/01/2018|Tags: corporate responsibility, csr, customer, management, sustainability|
Since starting my master's in Corporate Sustainability, many people have asked, what is sustainability? Countless times I’ve heard “oh, that’s needed, but how do you implement it?” At times, it has been a difficult question ...
Mapping what’s beneath our feet on #WorldSoilDay
Dr Jacqueline Hannam2017-12-05T00:01:33+00:0005/12/2017|Tags: agriculture, carbon, climate, flooding, horticulture, landis, soilscapes, sustainability, world soil day|
Photos: Jack making soil observations using a soil auger; a map of strawberry growing areas in Hampshire by Dr Frances Kay 1939; National Soil Archive at Cranfield University; map of electrical conductivity revealing differences in ...
Now for clean growth – let’s hope it’s real this time!
Professor Simon Pollard2017-12-01T16:13:53+00:0001/12/2017|Tags: clean growth, economy, environment, green economy, growth, sustainability|
If, like me, you’re downloading a burgeoning number of Government reports committing us to clean growth, low carbon infrastructures and greater disclosure on climate risk, you’ll either be feeling ‘at last, the tide has turned’; ...
How industry associations and other business organisations can become a standards setter
Professor David Grayson2017-11-23T11:37:54+00:0023/11/2017|Tags: corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, cranfield school of management, csr, david grayson, doughty centre, responsible business, sustainability|
How do businesses restore trust? Trust in their own business; trust in their sector; trust in business in general.