Is your airport ready for climate change?
Antonia Molloy2024-08-08T12:05:20+01:0008/08/2024|air transport | air transport industry | airport | airport design | airport infrastructure | airport management | airport planning | aviation | climate change | corporate sustainability | Resilience|
Climate hazards are increasingly disrupting the normal functioning of airports worldwide, leading to damage, operational performance or safety issues, economic loss, and other business or environmental and social consequences. Widescale flooding ...
How does Cranfield prepare me to be a counterterrorism specialist?
Gareth Hall2024-03-05T11:23:58+00:0005/03/2024|Counterterror | counterterrorism | digital forensics | postgraduate | Resilience | Risk Management | Terror threat|
It was during the 1880’s that the first dedicated counterterrorism body was formed. The United Kingdom’s Metropolitan Police created the Special Irish Branch to combat the ongoing terror campaign by the Irish Fenians. ...
Why we need to tackle climate change and the sixth mass extinction at the same time
Alix Elwin2021-11-28T13:44:32+00:0017/11/2021|biodiversity loss | connected resilience | COP26 | ecological restoration | grand challenges | net zero | Resilience | resilience grand challenge|
COP26 necessarily has a major focus on reducing, eliminating, and sequestering carbon. Less prominent in the headlines is the crisis in biodiversity – the Sixth Great Extinction, with the current rate of species loss ...
Why we need connected resilience
Cranfield University2021-11-28T13:47:04+00:0023/08/2021|connected resilience | grand challenges | Resilience | resilience grand challenge|
Covid-19 shouldn’t have been a surprise. A global pandemic has been at the top of the list of likely threats, the National Risk Register, for years, and has been in the scientific literature for at ...
The lessons from Covid-19 from top business leaders
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:57:46+01:0030/03/2021|Resilience | school of management|
Most businesses were ill-prepared to deal with the pandemic and muddled though the challenges stemming from it, according to a report published today. Resilience reimagined: a practical guide for organisations was produced by Cranfield University, in ...
COVID-19 and terrorism: assessing the short- and long-term impacts
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:21:32+01:0004/05/2020|counterterrorism | covid-19 | defence and security | Resilience | terrorism|
Summary The COVID-19 pandemic is already having a significant impact on terrorism in a variety of ways. There is a mixed picture on the level of attacks in the short-term – lockdown measures will tend ...