mental health
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology students Grace and Trish on life at Cranfield
Zoe Nimmo2024-04-17T10:08:40+01:0009/04/2024|Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology | life on campus | mental health | stress awareness month | student experience | student journey | Wellbeing|
“Me and Grace met during our undergrad in Ireland, and we’ve been inseparable ever since to the point that we followed each other to another country to do our master’s” – Trish Commins Forensic ...
Anxiety: Sharing a diagnosis at work
Zoe Nimmo2023-08-02T10:37:05+01:0002/08/2023|anxiety | disability network | mental health | neurodiversity | staff network|
The biggest dread I had when I told my colleagues that I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder was that they would take work away from me – that the immediate assumption would be that I cannot ...
Me, myself, and anxiety
James Hill2022-05-13T14:14:13+01:0013/05/2022|anxiety | disability | hidden disability | mental health | Wellbeing|
Then and now I remember the moment very well – I was sat at a desk talking to my boss, pointing out the key elements of a strategic plan. I was in quite a stressful ...
Love, loss and mental health
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:44:00+01:0021/09/2020|covid-19 | employee care | mental health|
A shining message of hope from The Step Up Network: you don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom to ask for help. When lockdown was announced in the UK in March, society was ...