My Management MSc internship with K International
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:22:53+01:0011/09/2018|Tags: internship, K International, leadership, management, master's, mim|
What is the organisational culture like? K International is a language service provider which provides services such as translation, localisation, transcription, and interpreting in more than 150 languages for organisations all over the world. Rather ...
Beast from the East – GDP damage
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:24:03+01:0002/03/2018|Tags: economics, gdp, leadership, management, uk, weather|
I thought I’d get my two-penneth in before the BBC News’ Kamal Ahmed pops up telling us how much damage the current arctic weather has caused to the economy! A study carried out in 2015 ...
Mission Command and “Turn the Ship Around” by Louis David Marquet
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:22:19+01:0027/02/2018|Tags: leadership, management, strategic collaboration|
Turn the Ship Around’s main premise is that many organisations’ management techniques have created Leader-Follower environments, even in the US Navy it seems, and David Marquet sought to bust this approach and develop a Leader-Leader ...
Book Review: “The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”
Cranfield University2021-09-16T09:59:36+01:0008/01/2018|Tags: business, leadership, Leadership and Management, management, mission command, strategy|
Basically, this book explains what “Mission Command” (subject of our on-going blogs) really is so that you can actually understand it, and start applying it on a practical basis. It also lines up beautifully with ...
Topic Night: Feminism – The Other “F” Word
Nadini Hettigei2017-05-23T10:58:24+01:0023/05/2017|Tags: Discussion Nights, feminism, leadership, Women in Leadership|
I don’t have much in common with Katy Perry. We do share a country of citizenship and an affinity for Friday nights (though hers seem far more exciting than mine!) but I must admit, that ...
Welcome to Women in Leadership!
Nadini Hettigei2017-03-08T15:31:23+00:0008/03/2017|Tags: #BeBoldForChange, Discussion Nights, International Women's Day, Introduction, leadership, Women in Leadership|
That’s me standing on that chair there. No, I’m not playing ‘the floor is lava’ in my business suit, I’m just a little vertically challenged and I had to find a way to talk over the crowd. ...