Introducing… W – Bloomberg’s Security Worksheet function
Tracey Nunn2025-02-19T16:52:39+00:0027/02/2025|Tags: Bloomberg, company financials, data, financials, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Bloomberg users, are you fed up hitting download limits? Do you want to create custom templates that download only the data you want and nothing else? Using many of Bloomberg's download templates often leads to ...
Finding brokers’ and analysts’ reports
Karen Stokes2025-02-12T17:31:25+00:0019/12/2024|Tags: analysts reports, brokers reports, capitaliq, company financials, financials, industries, m&a, mergers, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-finance|
If you are researching a company’s performance over time or analysing the impact of a corporate transaction, valuable information can be sourced from analysts’ reports. What are analysts' reports and why might I need them? ...
Where can I find… Company financial ratios?
Tracey Nunn2024-12-19T10:08:58+00:0015/12/2024|Tags: capitaliq, company financials, data, fame, financials, mirc, ratios, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Financial ratios are often used to measure the performance of a company. These can be found 'ready-made' in several of our finance resources. Company ratios can be categorised into different types: Profitability ratios - e.g. ...
A quick guide to finding company financials
Karen Stokes2024-11-28T17:35:48+00:0028/11/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, capitaliq, company financials, dmda, ecbs, financials, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Financial sources can be extremely useful to any company research, giving anything from straight figures to an insight into company structure, ownership and strategy. Try the following resources: Fame Use for financial data and ownership ...
Re-introducing Boardex for research on company boards and directors
Tracey Nunn2023-02-20T18:54:12+00:0022/09/2022|Tags: boardex, company boards, company financials, compensation, financials, mirc, SOMLibrary|
Recently there have been some changes to the BoardEx service so here is a short reminder of what kinds of information the service holds. What is BoardEx? BoardEx provides global board and senior management information ...
Introducing…. Orbis BankFocus
Tracey Nunn2023-02-20T19:07:08+00:0017/05/2022|Tags: Banks, bankscope, company financials, financials, mirc, OrbisBankFocus, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
For anyone researching the financial sector, Orbis BankFocus is a great place to start, providing financial and company data for finance institutions and companies. The service allows you to search for a single company or ...