Finding brokers’ and analysts’ reports

If you are researching a company’s performance over time or analysing the impact of a corporate transaction, valuable information can be sourced from analysts’ reports.
What are analysts’ reports and why might I need them?
Also known as brokers’ reports or research reports, these kinds of documents from banks and financial institutions such as Deutsche Bank, Crédit Suisse, JP Morgan, etc. provide expert analysis on company and industry performance.
The Library’s most comprehensive source for analysts’ reports is Capital IQ. In addition to providing comprehensive company financials for listed companies worldwide and a growing number of private firms, it also allows you to search across thousands of reports from a wide range of banks and brokerage houses.
Signing up for access via Capital IQ
Students and staff do not always have automatic access to Capital IQ’s Research collection. If you are unable to follow the instructions below, please email us and let us know so we can arrange your access.
Sourcing analysts’ reports in Capital IQ
- If you haven’t already done so, sign up for access to Capital IQ – more information is available here.
- From the Capital IQ homepage, click on ‘Research’ on the blue menu bar to load up the Investment Research menu
- Type the company name into the Symbol / Name box. Here we are searching for Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (Capital IQ will always replace names with a company symbol).
- Enter any keywords you wish to use – or a date range – and click to search.
- For more search options, use the ‘Advanced search’ tab.
Viewing reports:
- We recommend previewing all reports before download. Previewing allows you to check contents and to search for keywords.
- To preview or open a single report from your list, click either on the headline or on the PDF icon on the right-hand side.
- To preview multiple reports (recommended), select titles using the checkboxes on the left and then click on ‘Preview’. This allows for a quick comparison of report content and enables you to select only the most relevant titles for download.
If you have questions on any aspect of company or industry research, please pop in and see us or contact the SOM Library.
Feature image from Pixabay. Available at:
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