Using European Space Agency expertise to grow better crops
Boris Snapir2017-02-22T16:02:32+00:0022/02/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, agrifood, Agrifood Institute, Earth Observation, ESA, European Space Agency, PolSAR, Remote Sensing, research, Scientific Exploitation, SEOM, space|
When you hear the words European Space Agency (ESA), ambitious missions to mars or spectacular crash-landings on comets may come to mind. What is less likely to occur is agriculture and improving crop yields. But ...
Lost your passport and visa? Don’t panic…
Tony Wu2017-02-01T16:33:50+00:0001/02/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, campus life, immigration, logistics and supply chain management, New experience, passport, visa|
Hi everyone, this is my first time to speak up in the Cranfield blog and I am glad to share my experience losing my passport. You might say, wait a sec! Why would you be so ...
One fine day in Cambridge
Pavaree Suriyantphupha2017-01-26T15:56:35+00:0026/01/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, cambridge, cranfield school of management, cranfieldscm, life at cranfield, logistics, msc, supply chain|
Hi everyone! How was the inventory and operations management game? I believe that everyone has the same feeling that it was quite intensive. Yet, we have learnt a lot of things from it. Definitely, ...
Behind closed doors – what really happens in the Accident Investigation Lab?
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:30:36+01:0026/01/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, accident investigation, crash lab, facilities, laboratory, transport systems|
On a cold foggy January day about 60 Cranfield staff gathered for three visits to our Accident Investigation Lab. This was part of our new open doors staff tours initiative designed to allow university staff to ...
Stepping out of my comfort zone – studying a master’s in Management at Cranfield
Vikaraman Rajaratanam2017-01-23T17:48:25+00:0023/01/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, management, masters in management, msc in management|
If 2016 was my breakthrough year, I think there is plenty for me to be optimistic about 2017. So much has been said about Brexit, the American elections and the problems facing the world today. ...
Asian ‘Potluck’ night – 7 November 2016
Cranfield University2021-09-15T14:27:52+01:0025/11/2016|Tags: “Cranfield”, asianpotluck, cranfieldscm, cranfielduniversity, internationalstudent, kellysanyday, LSCM, PSCM, studentlife|
Have you heard about 'potluck'? No?! That’s okay! I didn’t know the term as well before I had the first potluck night in Australia. When I was in Australia, my American friend initiated cultural potluck ...