company financials
Finding brokers’ and analysts’ reports
Karen Stokes2024-12-02T19:18:57+00:0019/12/2024|Tags: analysts reports, brokers reports, capitaliq, company financials, financials, industries, m&a, mergers, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-finance|
If you are researching a company’s performance over time or analysing the impact of a corporate transaction, valuable information can be sourced from analysts’ reports. What are analysts' reports and why might I need them? ...
Where can I find… Company financial ratios?
Tracey Nunn2024-12-19T10:08:58+00:0015/12/2024|Tags: capitaliq, company financials, data, fame, financials, mirc, ratios, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Financial ratios are often used to measure the performance of a company. These can be found 'ready-made' in several of our finance resources. Company ratios can be categorised into different types: Profitability ratios - e.g. ...
Researching… M&A
Helen Holmes2024-12-09T13:36:39+00:0006/12/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, capitaliq, company financials, m&a, mergers, mirc, sdc platinum, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance, workspace|
Mergers and acquisitions are constant headline-makers, from high-profile takeovers to game-changing mergers. But if you need to go beyond the headlines - whether for a coursework assignment, thesis, or just out of curiosity - where ...
A quick guide to finding company financials
Karen Stokes2024-11-28T17:35:48+00:0028/11/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, capitaliq, company financials, dmda, ecbs, financials, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Financial sources can be extremely useful to any company research, giving anything from straight figures to an insight into company structure, ownership and strategy. Try the following resources: Fame Use for financial data and ownership ...
Researching IPOs in Bloomberg
Helen Holmes2025-01-08T10:53:53+00:0014/11/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, company financials, ipo, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Are you researching IPOs? Do you want to find IPOs on a specific index (eg S&P 500, or UK AIM Index) for specific dates? Then Bloomberg is where you should be looking. If you haven’t ...
Researching IPOs on Workspace (SDC)
Tracey Nunn2024-10-18T13:40:23+01:0021/10/2024|Tags: company financials, ipo, sdc, sdc platinum, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance, workspace|
If you need data on IPOs and share issues, our best source would be SDC Platinum via Workspace. SDC contains data going back to the 1960s and is one of the most comprehensive resources covering ...