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Homepage / Finding Financial Times articles in Factiva

Finding Financial Times articles in Factiva


If you are looking for Financial Times articles, look no further than Factiva!  But be aware, there is a one-month embargo on content which means the most recent month is unavailable online.

If you really need an  FT article from the past month, do check with the SOM library.   We might suggest you look at a trial subscription to the FT, but might have other options too.

You have 2 main ways of accessing FT articles in Factiva:

  • searching for particular articles/subjects
  • browsing

Want to search for a particular FT article, or FT articles on a particular subject?

To begin, navigate to Factiva from the SOM Library pages: SOM Library > Online business resources > International News > Factiva.

Once in Factiva, the first thing you need to do is limit your source to the Financial Times.

On the search screen, click on the arrow next to ‘All Sources’.

Screenshot of source menu

Source menu

Next, click the plus (+) icon next to ‘Group: Financial Times’. Then select ‘Financial Times Print and Online’ by clicking on it once – the text will turn blue and you will see it added in yellow to your search.

Screenshot showing 'Financial Times' as a source added to search

FT added to search

Now you can type your search into the free text box (or use the search form), and all your results should be limited to those from the FT. You can change other parameters, such as the date, industry, or region, using the other search limiters on the search page.

Screenshot of search results from FT

Search results from FT

You can see that my search results are all FT articles. To double-check the parameters of your search, look at the pale yellow header box.

To open an article, click on its title. You can read in the browser or use the options in the grey menu bar to download and save it.

Screenshot of full text of FT article in Factiva

Full text FT article

You can download multiple articles at once by selecting them in the results list (using the checkboxes) and then clicking on the PDF icon. Always select an option including ‘Article’ if you want to download full-text.

Screenshot of how to download multiple articles

Downloading multiple articles

Want to browse articles from the Financial Times?

Navigate to the SOM Library home page then pick eJournals from the menu on the right of the screen: SOM LibraryeJournals

Start typing Financial Times into the search box and you will see the journal name in the dropdown list – click on it.

Screenshot of searching for FT in Library ejournals finder

Searching for FT in the Library ejournals finder

In the record for Financial Times, click on Factiva Academic.

Screenshot of FT record in ejournals finder

FT record in eJournals finder

This will take you directly to the Factiva webpage listing Financial Times article titles from the last 3 months, in order of most recent first.  Remember, you won’t see articles from the last month because of the embargo.

You can change the date range by clicking on the ‘Modify search’ button in the pale yellow header box near the top of the page and then choosing from the dropdown list in the ‘Date’ field.  

To open or download an article you can use the instructions at the end of the previous section.

You can find more information about searching Factiva here.

If you have any questions about the Financial Times or Factiva, then please contact the SOM Library.

Featured image by USA-Reiseblogger from Pixabay

Helen Holmes

Written By: Helen Holmes

An Assistant Business Librarian since 2023, Helen provides support for SOM students and staff

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