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Homepage / Adding documents to your Mendeley account

Adding documents to your Mendeley account


Once you have created your Mendeley account you will want to add documents to it.  There are three main ways of doing this:

  1. Drag and Drop – drag files or folders from your desktop directly into your Mendeley account. This is as easy as it gets! Citation information will be automatically extracted from the files. The information is then organised by author, title, publication year, etc.
  2. Import references saved from other bibliographic packages e.g. Refworks (.RIS file), Zotero, Jabref, EndNote (XML file).
  3. The Mendeley web importer – download this from Mendeley.  If using Google Chrome you can install Mendeley’s browser extension which allows you to save articles from supported sites. For other browsers, you can install the bookmarklet.  Simply click and drag it onto the toolbar of your web browser then, whenever you’re viewing an article or list of references on the internet, click on the button to import the reference(s) directly into your Mendeley library.

In addition to these, there are three further ways that you can add records:

  • Manually – Choose ‘Add entry manually’ from the File menu and choose the type of document you wish to add…

Screenshot of Mendeley menu panel


  • Add specific files or folders – Use ‘Add Files’ or ‘Add Folder’ from the File menu (pictured above) to either add a specific paper or the contents of a folder from your computer.

Mendeley has a comprehensive set of Help guides available on their website. Check them out here. As always, if you have any additional questions on Mendeley or on referencing in general, please contact us.

Angela Sparks

Written By: Angela Sparks

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