Finding Financial Times articles in Factiva
Helen Holmes2024-03-15T14:15:21+00:0021/03/2024|Tags: factiva, ft, knl, mirc, newspapers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-news|
If you are looking for Financial Times articles, look no further than Factiva! But be aware, there is a one-month embargo on content which means the most recent month is unavailable online. You can find the ...
How do I reference… a newspaper article in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T14:54:18+00:0002/06/2023|Tags: APA7, knl, newspapers, referencing, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-news|
If you're using newspaper content in your work, you may be wondering how to reference it. Is it exactly the same as a journal article reference? Well, it's pretty similar. Here's a short guide. To ...
Introducing… Factiva
Karen Stokes2023-04-14T10:36:30+01:0014/04/2023|Tags: factiva, knl, mirc, newspapers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-news|
Do you need access to international press? Take a look at Factiva. Factiva provides access to over 100,000 full-text international press sources in 25 languages. Both local and national newspapers are included, along with a ...
Saving your searches in Factiva
Tracey Nunn2023-02-20T19:25:01+00:0017/05/2021|Tags: factiva, mirc, newspapers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-news|
Factiva can be very useful to keep yourself informed on the international press - but did you know it was possible to save a Factiva search to re-run it whenever you like so that you ...
Introducing… Bloomberg News
Tracey Nunn2023-02-20T19:36:57+00:0019/04/2019|Tags: Bloomberg, mirc, news, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-news|
Some of our readers may already be familiar with Bloomberg's News service, available via their website. But did you know that News is also available on Bloomberg terminals? Because it mainly relates to what is happening in the world's financial ...