Life on campus
A day in the life of a Cranfield student!
Angela Stimamiglio2017-12-21T17:20:16+00:0021/12/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, articles, cranfield school of management, cranfieldscm, CranfieldUni, day in my life, management, market research, marketing, Msc Strategic Marketing, study tour, University Student|
My name is Angela. Welcome to a day in my life as a MSc student in Strategic Marketing at Cranfield School of Management. As the semester is officially over, I thought you would be interested ...
Behind the scenes of the legendary Cranfield AVD group design project – what is it really like?
Vijay Kothari2017-07-27T14:14:11+01:0027/07/2017|Tags: aerospace, aerospace vehicle design, group design project, group project, intranet, master's degree|
I joined the Aerospace Vehicle Design MSc course in September 2016 and little did I know what was waiting for me. Our taught modules began in early October and soon we were introduced to the ...
Bearing the load: open doors staff tour to the Structural Integrity Laboratory
Cranfield University2021-09-16T09:30:55+01:0013/07/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, energy, facilities, laboratory, Offshore wind, Power, renewable energy, Turbines, working at cranfield|
This was my second staff tour, and I found it as fascinating as the first. Dr Ali Mehmanparast is the manager of the lab, which sits within the University’s Energy and Power theme. He joined ...
Have your say on how the country is run
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:55:59+01:0010/05/2017|Tags: General Election, student life, Voting|
In case you have missed it, on June 8, the UK will be holding a General Election. This election will decide which person represents you in Parliament and ultimately who runs the country. If you ...
Interview with one of Cranfield’s very first apprentices
Rob Peare2017-04-27T10:43:36+01:0027/04/2017|Tags: apprentice, apprenticeship|
When Rob Peare wrote this blog about his apprenticeship experience at Cranfield University, we soon found out that his dad apprenticed here 42 years ago and still works at the University. We asked Rob to interview ...
A look inside the Operations Excellence labs
Alexis Burgess2023-04-19T15:01:14+01:0013/04/2017|Tags: 3d technology, operations excellence institute|
On the lunchtime of 22nd February I joined a shivering throng of colleagues across campus, to take part in an ‘Open Doors’ staff tours event. We entered the Operations Excellence building to be warmly welcomed by ...