Getting Started with Workspace
Tracey Nunn2024-02-02T16:45:39+00:0005/02/2024|Tags: datastream, EIKON, lseg, sdc, sdc platinum, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance, workspace|
Workspace is the new platform for LSEG data (previously known as Refinitiv). It provides access to the data formerly available in Eikon and is one of the world's largest financial databases.It provides both current and ...
Registering for a Workspace account
Helen Holmes2024-04-25T13:28:47+01:0026/01/2024|Tags: datastream, EIKON, knl, lseg, New, sdc platinum, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance, workspace|
Access to Eikon, Datastream and SDC Platinum has changed! You no longer have to use a designated terminal in the SOM Library or Computer Studio, or log into the MIRC VM. Eikon has been replaced by the Workspace ...