Environmental benefits of Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM)
James Hill2022-01-13T19:36:50+00:0017/11/2021|Tags: aerospace, aircraft, aviation, digital aviation, IVHM, sustainability|
We are seeing growing focus and investment by industry and governments worldwide to accelerate sustainability results through technology investment. This is driven by market competitiveness imperatives and the constant and the inexorable elevation of ...
Industry-academia: addressing the climate crisis by working together
Paula Battle2021-11-05T13:24:34+00:0005/11/2021|Tags: climate change, cop 26, sustainability|
If there’s one thing everyone involved with tackling climate change agrees on, it’s the need for collaboration globally. Partnerships of all shapes and sizes, a coming together of governments, business, industry regulators and the third ...
How to make green investments part of the global sustainability cycle
Paula Battle2021-11-02T13:47:31+00:0001/11/2021|Tags: cop 26, environment, sustainability|
We need sustainable investment, not token finance for green projects that leave traditional ways of doing business untouched. Planting more trees, or funding eye-catching blue sky technologies is not the answer. There is growing commitment ...
Why we need to commit to hydrogen for a clean, green and more stable future of energy
Alice Kirkaldy2021-10-27T12:36:54+01:0027/10/2021|Tags: carbon, cop 26, electricity, energy, hydrogen, HyPER, net zero, renewables, sustainability|
So often, our ideal vision of a green world involves a landscape of renewable energy sources: wind turbines, solar panels and hydro power providing all the electricity we need. Then we’ll just plug and ...
My pursuit for green energy…
Cranfield University2021-11-19T15:22:38+00:0017/09/2021|Tags: energy industry, green economy, research, sustainability, thesis|
The pursuit of green energy is an exciting journey, which can span across exploring different alternate energy sources that help us fight against climate change, and renewables are the key to achieving net-zero emissions as ...
Tackling unhealthy grocery shopping – how my thesis is preparing me for my academic career
Cranfield University2021-11-19T15:22:37+00:0001/09/2021|Tags: future food sustainability, research project, student experience, sustainability, Thesis Project|
When the thesis topics were published, I instantly knew which project I wanted to work on: Moving from the Eatwell guide to a Food shopping guide. The Eatwell Guide is a dietary guide from the ...