research data management
An open science checklist
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:33:21+00:0005/07/2017|Tags: barrington, knl, mirc, open research, open science, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
One reason that research data management has advanced in the priorities of the higher education sector in recent years is the "reproducibility crisis" in science. This has led many researchers and organisations to support a ...
Anonymising your research data
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:35:49+00:0017/03/2017|Tags: anonymisation, barrington, data protection, dpa, knl, mirc, personal data, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
In our last RDM blog post we discussed data protection in general; now let's take a further look at anonymisation. The main message is to think about it early, planning well to ensure that data ...
Data protection in research data management
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:36:18+00:0006/03/2017|Tags: barrington, data protection, dpa, knl, mirc, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
There was a young man we’ll name Paul, Who answered a short survey call. He provided his data And was shocked to see later, His age, faith, and health shared with all. This limerick is ...
Why should we care about file formats?
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:37:38+00:0008/02/2017|Tags: barrington, digital preservation, file formats, knl, mirc, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
Many funders require you to share your research data after your project, to increase its value and reach, and potentially increase your impact – and secure preservation makes your data easier to retrieve and understand if ...
How do you determine data authorship?
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:39:16+00:0005/12/2016|Tags: authorship, barrington, cord, figshare, knl, mirc, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
When a dataset is published online, the depositor must enter some information about it, including providing details about its authors. It seems an innocuous field to fill in, but determining data authorship can be complex ...
Spring clean your research data: how to choose what to preserve
Georgina Parsons2021-11-23T15:07:21+00:0022/11/2016|Tags: barrington, cord, data selection, knl, mirc, rdm, research data management|
When your research is complete, you will probably need to deposit your research data in a repository – but how much should you deposit? All of it or just the subset referenced in any articles? ...