How do I reference my lecture notes… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T14:59:44+00:0005/08/2022|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, lecture notes, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
So you want to use an example from your lecture notes in your assignment? You might want to reuse a diagram or infographic that your tutor has created - or just replicate some text from ...
How do I reference a thesis… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T15:00:27+00:0012/07/2022|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary, thesis|
Many of you will be using theses in your research. Although these may not have been published in the traditional sense, when you incorporate content from theses into your own work, it needs to be ...
Using ‘et al.’ in citations with APA7 style referencing
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T19:07:18+00:0005/05/2022|Tags: APA7, et al, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Academic writing is full of idiosyncrasies, one of which being the Latin abbreviation ‘et al’. The term et al means ‘and others’ and is often used in academic literature to abbreviate a list of authors' ...
How do I reference a market or industry report… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T15:09:42+00:0021/04/2022|Tags: APA7, market research, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
Those of you using market and industry research in your assignments will need to know how to correctly reference any reports that you include in your work. To list a report in your references, you ...
How do I reference a webpage… in the APA7 style?
Angela Sparks2024-02-14T08:52:06+00:0030/03/2022|Tags: APA7, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary, webpages|
This post continues our series on referencing in the APA7 style, this time looking at webpages. To reference a webpage, you need the following information: Author(s) of the webpage (Surname, Initials.) or group/organisation if the ...
How do I reference a journal article… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T15:12:34+00:0015/03/2022|Tags: APA7, ejournals, journal articles, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Following on from our previous posts about referencing books, let's now have a look at how to reference journal articles. Journal articles are pretty simple too. They require the following elements to create a bibliographic ...