Choosing Cranfield to do a part-time Counterterrorism, Risk management and Resilience MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:08:19+01:0020/05/2021|Tags: alumni, counterterrorism, defence and security, msc|
As a part-time student, juggling the difficulties of studying and a full-time job is a challenge but the structure of the modules and the flexibility that Cranfield offers, ensures that you aren’t overwhelmed by the modules in terms of content or assessments and there are suitable gaps between them to manage work, leave and life.
Why you should apply for the Cranfield Forensic Institute Excellence Scholarship 2021
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:46:23+01:0015/04/2021|Tags: Forensics, msc, Scholarships|
Cranfield University’s website also has great resources for potential funding sources, which is updated regularly, and I share this link with prospective students frequently in my role as a student ambassador.
My first term at Cranfield Forensic Institute
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:02:26+01:0005/02/2021|Tags: forensic investigation, Forensics, life at cranfield, life in lockdown, msc, student life|
This was what most of my first term was like at Cranfield and it quickly became a new normal. Us students got used to the terms “you are on mute”, “can you see my screen”, “are you there?” and “in normal years”.
My experience at Cranfield, the trajectory so far!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:58:58+01:0025/08/2020|Tags: artificial intelligence, msc|
My name is Rabiyat Ajibola Usman, I am from Nigeria and I am currently studying an Applied Artificial Intelligence MSc. The opportunity to study in a prestigious University like Cranfield came as a result of ...
Air Transport Management MSc student and scholarship awardee Anamaria Dioane reflects on her year at Cranfield
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:59:23+01:0019/08/2020|Tags: air transport management, aviation, hellocranfield, master's, master's degree, masters scholarship, msc, postgraduate, queen's anniversary prize, scholarship, student journey, transport systems|
Hi everyone! My name is Anamaria Dioane, I am from Romania and I have been studying the Air Transport Management MSc. Incredibly, after almost a year full of challenges and unforgettable moments, my Cranfield journey ...
A group project story from four perspectives: Air Quality Monitoring at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:38:30+01:0028/05/2019|Tags: environment, environmental engineering, environmental management for business, group project, msc|
Dr Chris Walton – supervisor I have been involved with group projects before, but this was my first time as main supervisor. I was supported by one of our Research Fellows Dr Célia Lourenço and ...