Updating the Mendeley Cite add-in
Penny Robertson2025-03-21T10:51:12+00:0018/03/2025|barrington | knl | mendeley | mendeley cite add-in | mendeley reference manager | mirc | referencing | SOMLibrary|
When using Mendeley Cite with Word, sometimes it is necessary to update the Add-in. If you see this message: There are a few steps to try: 1. Sign out of your office account by going ...
Country stability and risk in BMI Research
Karen Stokes2025-03-18T15:58:58+00:0013/03/2025|gme | mirc | risk | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-economics|
If you need to know about country stability and risk, you ought to be looking at BMI Research. Country Risk report in BMI Research BMI covers country stability and risk in its ...
Introducing… the UK Data Service (UKDS)
Helen Holmes2025-02-20T15:28:55+00:0006/03/2025|barrington | country information | data | economics | gme | knl | macroeconomics | mirc | SOMLibrary | statistics | uk data service | ukds | web-mirc-economics|
If you’re looking for a gateway to key economic and social data, then you might like to take a look at the UK Data Service (UKDS). What's included? Offering a wide range of secondary data ...
Creating a bibliography is easy in Mendeley
Tracey Nunn2025-02-27T12:18:32+00:0004/03/2025|bibliography | knl | mendeley | mirc | muscat | referencing | SOMLibrary|
If you’re using Mendeley Cite, Mendeley's citation plug-in for Word, you will soon be ready to generate a bibliography of all the references you have cited. Here we’ll run through how quick and easy it ...
Finding industry profiles in Library resources
Karen Stokes2025-02-12T17:59:14+00:0020/02/2025|dmda | ecbs | FitchConnect | ibisworld | industries | knl | mirc | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-industry|
When researching an industry; its size, value and performance; competitors, brands and trends in the market etc., we recommend having a look at the following services. These can all be accessed via the SOM Library's ...
Finding company profiles and SWOT analyses
Angela Sparks2025-02-12T11:38:46+00:0013/02/2025|company information | dmda | ebsco | ecbs | factiva | interviews | knl | mirc | muscat | passport | proquest | SOMLibrary | swot | web-mirc-company|
If you are researching a company for a project or job interview, a company profile will be really helpful, as will a SWOT analysis. A profile will give you the basic information you need about ...