First months as a Design Thinking MDes student
Cranfield University2024-11-29T16:55:01+00:0013/12/2018|Tags: design, design thinking, innovation, manufacturing, MDes, product design|
I was previously a student in a French engineering school, and I specialised in materials and mechanical engineering. For my last year of studies, I wanted to find alternatives as I wanted to ...
Passion for perfection: Ducati manufacturing in Thailand
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:14:32+01:0014/05/2018|Tags: Ducati, manufacturing, Motor bikes, Passion, thailand|
Headquartered in Bologna, Italy, Ducati, the passionate motor bike manufacturer, expanded their operations to Thailand in 2011. On the fifth day of our study tour we visited their assembly plant that has a footprint of ...
‘Grill the Aspiring Geeks’ – Cranfield University stories from the Disruptive Innovation Festival
Sabrina Cipullo2017-12-01T16:02:15+00:0001/12/2017|Tags: circular economy, design, disruptive innovation festival, Ellen MacArthur, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, environment, innovation, manufacturing, think dif|
We recently took part in The Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF), a three-week-long online festival of 'disruptive' ideas (from November 6th to 24th 2017), which is free and accessible to everyone. The festival challenged us to think about ...
Do you know how green your car is? Why measurement of low-emission vehicles is misleading…
Professor Mark Jolly2017-07-17T14:48:56+01:0017/07/2017|Tags: car, energy rating, green, legislation, manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing|
Why don’t we have energy ratings labels for our cars and other vehicles? We think we already do - via the checks on tailpipe emissions and CO2 that are backed up by Government legislation and ...
Ensuring lean transformation – how to guarantee success in the long-term
Professor Marek Szwejczewski2017-04-04T17:09:08+01:0004/04/2017|Tags: best factory awards, best factory conference, lean, lean manufacturing, management, manufacturing, organisational culture|
Transforming a company into a lean organisation does not just happen –the leadership team might have developed a detailed plan for the change but this does not mean the metamorphosis will be a success. Having ...
Manufacturing skills for the future
Professor Rajkumar Roy2017-04-04T15:53:15+01:0004/04/2017|Tags: manufacturing, manufacturing skills, master's level apprenticeships, masterships, national manufacturing debate, skills gap|
In recent years there has been a sea-change in how the UK public and government regard British manufacturing. From not believing manufacturing could create jobs and economic growth, these groups increasingly trust British industry to deliver ...