logistics and supply chain management
From HR to operations: changing career path thanks to Cranfield
Alix Elwin2022-01-19T14:41:17+00:0019/01/2022|Tags: career change, Executive education, logistics and supply chain management, school of management|
Discussing her career prior to studying at Cranfield, Emma Wordsworth-Higham jokes that she was prone to experiencing the so-called ‘seven-year itch’. Joining a management training programme straight out of university, she had worked in ...
My first 6 weeks at Cranfield…
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:56:04+01:0007/11/2019|Tags: 2019, CranfieldSOM, logistics, logistics and supply chain management|
Why did I choose to do a master degree at Cranfield? I want to improve my knowledge on supply chain to make an impact on a company, and I believe that Cranfield School of Management ...
Logistics in Thailand
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:39:36+01:0005/06/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
This afternoon we dried off, after a quick dip in the pool after lunch, to head off to SCG Logistics.We had a really interesting tour around the facility and had the opportunity to ask questions ...
The last day in Bangkok and the adventure afterwards
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:34:46+01:0022/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
After a nice Friday evening together enjoying the pleasures of the hotel swimming pool, we ventured into Bangkok town for our last supper in this city. Saturday morning unfolded in different ways for most of ...
Blog day 4 – closing down the circle
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:34:00+01:0022/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Written by Cris Rodriguez and Dimitrios Zaires After this morning's visit to King Pac International, we have ended the day with a visit to KEWS (King Energy and Wastes Solution). Seeing what King Group does ...
Day 2 – Is sticky rice developed by Henkel as well?
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:32:51+01:0022/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
To my surprise, it seems that we are almost at every moment in contact with a product containing Henkel materials. It has been great to understand the current challenges which Henkel has or is facing, ...