Resolutions you could make in 2025 to study better and smarter (and how Library Services can help!)
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-12-18T17:05:18+00:0006/01/2025|Tags: barrington, Bloomberg, knl, linkedin learning, mendeley, referencing, searching, SOMLibrary, study skills|
Happy new year! Now is the perfect time to reflect on your studies so far, thinking about what you’re doing well and where you need to focus a bit more attention. Getting back into ‘study ...
Finding Financial Times articles in Factiva
Helen Holmes2024-12-19T18:46:31+00:0020/12/2024|Tags: factiva, ft, knl, mirc, newspapers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-news|
If you are looking for Financial Times articles, look no further than Factiva! But be aware, there is a one-month embargo on content which means the most recent month is unavailable online. If you really need ...
Library services over the Christmas period
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-12-16T08:37:32+00:0016/12/2024|Tags: barrington, christmas, closing, knl, opening times, SOMLibrary|
Kings Norton Library and our School of Management Library will be open 24/7 throughout the holiday period as a study space. Library staff will work until 6pm on Friday 20 December and will resume their normal ...
Using the Mendeley Cite Add-in with Word
Penny Robertson2024-12-10T15:43:16+00:0011/12/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, mendeley, mendeley cite add-in, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
You can use the Mendeley Cite Add-in with Word to create in-text references and bibliographies. Finding Mendeley Cite in Word To check that the Mendeley Cite add-in is installed in the version of Word that ...
Preparing for assignments and exams?
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-12-02T13:09:00+00:0010/12/2024|Tags: assessment, barrington, exams, knl, SOMLibrary, study skills|
Sorry! We know it seems a bit mean to mention the exams in January rather than looking forward to the break before it! However, we know many of you will be thinking about your forthcoming ...
Library support for new research students
Cranfield University2024-12-02T17:35:35+00:0003/12/2024|Tags: academic skills, knl, mirc, new students, open access, PhD, research, research data management, SOMLibrary, welcome|
Welcome! We are very excited to welcome you to Cranfield, and we are looking forward to supporting you throughout your research degree. We are always happy to help you – all you need to do ...