All about standards
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-06-25T12:52:24+01:0024/06/2024|Tags: barrington, british standards, knl, SOMLibrary, standards|
What are standards? Standards are documents outlining in detail the rules, guidelines or characteristics for specific products or processes. Standards may be a legal requirement or voluntary. Standards cover many sectors from engineering and business ...
Introducing… BMI from FitchSolutions
Helen Holmes2024-06-07T12:08:42+01:0013/06/2024|Tags: bmi, country information, data, FitchConnect, FitchSolutions, gme, industries, knl, macroeconomics, market research, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-economics, web-mirc-industry|
BMI, from FitchSolutions, (previously FitchConnect), is one of our favourite resources for industry and country data and analysis. Industry and sector reports To access the industry and sector research, you can use the navigation bar ...
Shut up and Write!
Mandy Smith2024-06-10T15:08:13+01:0004/06/2024|Tags: academic writing, barrington, doctoral students, knl, masters students, new students, shutupandwrite, SOMLibrary, study skills|
Studying can be a solitary experience and the overwhelming force of procrastination too often prevents it from happening at all. If this sounds familiar to you, then we may have the solution! Come and join ...
Re-registering for an expired Workspace licence
Helen Holmes2024-05-28T10:21:13+01:0030/05/2024|Tags: datastream, knl, lseg, sdc platinum, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance, workspace|
Have you received an email telling you that your access to Workspace will expire shortly? Don't panic! All Workspace licences are set to automatically expire after 2 months. This is because we have a pre-arranged ...
Bank holiday hours for Library Services: Monday 27 May
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-05-21T11:33:21+01:0022/05/2024|Tags: bank holiday, barrington, knl, opening hours, SOMLibrary|
Library Services staff will be taking a break on Monday 27 May for the early May bank holiday. You will still be able to access all the resources and help you need via our library website. ...
Changes to FitchConnect…
Karen Stokes2024-05-09T14:13:00+01:0014/05/2024|Tags: barrington, bmi, country information, dmda, FitchConnect, gme, knl, macroeconomics, market research, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-economics, web-mirc-industry|
Those of you who have been using FitchConnect may have noticed that things are changing. The BMI content we subscribe to being migrated to its own platform. In the meantime, when you login to Fitch, ...