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Homepage / Shut up and Write!

Shut up and Write!


Studying can be a solitary experience and the overwhelming force of procrastination too often prevents it from happening at all.

If this sounds familiar to you, then we may have the solution! Come and join our Shut up and Write sessions, which take place online twice a week through MS Teams, and are open to all staff and students at Cranfield University. The aim of Shut up and Write is to provide you with focused time to work on your study task, be that writing, coding, reading, etc., in a social and supportive environment with your peers.

Each session runs for approximately 95 minutes, comprising three 25-minute focused study segments. Each 25-minute session is book-ended with a five-minute informal group chat. You are not required to attend every session, just when you wish, and you will not be asked to share your work. The sessions take place every:

  • Tuesday, 3.00-4.35pm
  • Thursday, 10.00-11.35am

So before your calendar is filled with meetings and other events, enrol yourself on the Shut up and Write’ MS Teams page and join us when you can!


Image by JUNDER CHENG from Pixabay

Mandy Smith

Written By: Mandy Smith

Mandy has worked for Cranfield Library Service since 2004 and is a Research Support Librarian supporting researchers and research students at Cranfield Defence and Security and the School of Management. She teaches a range of study skills as well as helping researchers use the resources they need to find information. She provides advice and support on REF and funder compliance, open access publishing and other research-related topics.

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