international students
How Cranfield is creating solutions for a greener future
Poonam Maini2023-11-08T17:04:07+00:0021/09/2023|“Cranfield” | aerospace materials | East Asia | Far East | international student in uk | international students | PhD | South Korea | student | women in stem|
Cranfield University is putting immense effort into creating solutions for a greener future by giving more attention to research in areas such as hydrogen generation. Collaborating on this research with key players in industry ...
Life on campus with a family
Lina Mitchell2023-05-24T10:18:38+01:0016/05/2023|Family life on campus | International Families Day | international students | life on campus | university with family|
Here at Cranfield University, we provide a safe and supportive environment for students to bring their families with them when they come to study with us. Our current students share their thoughts on living on ...
My Cranfield experience so far – made possible by the IWA Excellence Scholarship
Lauren Owers2023-01-06T15:11:45+00:0004/01/2023|advanced water management | campus life | choosing cranfield | cranfield experience | csa | fees and funding | full-time study | immigration | international students | IWA scholarship | life at cranfield | new students | postgraduate life | scholarship | student accommodation | student visa | sustainable water futures | visa | visa application | water|
To study my MSc in Advanced Water Management at Cranfield University, it was made possible by the International Water Association’s Excellence Scholarship and a bursary from my employer, Zutari. For international students, funding is ...
How to master the art of negotiation at Cranfield
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:24:45+01:0015/02/2019|“Cranfield” | international students | management | msc | MSc Procurement and Supply Chain Management | procurement|
By: Rusa Gongladze, Pernille Darville and Alexander Hartmann MSc Students in Procurement and Supply Chain Management January, 2019 We have to admit that Negotiation and Contract Management is the best module we have covered up ...
Current students – fancy a trip to Europe? Read our tips on getting your Schengen visa…
Cranfield University2021-09-15T14:27:14+01:0025/11/2016|adventure | Alps | backpacking | countries | Denmark | europe | France | Germany | international students | Italy | Schengen area | schengen visa | Sites | students | tier 4 | tourist | travel | travelling | visa|
England is a great place to come and study with a wealth of history and places to see and explore. However, the weather isn’t always ideal. You may be considering going further afield in Europe to experience more ...
Logistics and Procurement Supply Chain Management bowling night
Cranfield University2021-09-15T14:26:15+01:0024/11/2016|cranfield lcsm | cranfieldscm | international students | logistics and supply chain | milton keynes | procurement and supply chain management | school of management | social life | student life|
Hi everyone Before I start my first post, I would like to introduce myself, so you guys can have an idea as to what I am doing and who I am! My name is Kelly ...