Environment and Agrifood
A year at Cranfield
Autumn Handscombe2023-05-09T16:46:06+01:0009/05/2023|Environment and Agrifood | research|
The start of April 2023 marked a year since I began my PhD in plant molecular biology at Cranfield. My project focuses on bringing academic research into a commercial setting, which, as an applied ...
My journey to COP26 in Glasgow
Wayne Coulter2024-03-25T12:35:52+00:0010/01/2022|agrifood | COP26 | environment | Environment and Agrifood | PhD | science|
I was lucky enough to spend 3 days at COP26 hosted in the Glasgow Science Centre. Climate change is now a serious issue impacting the environment, humans and all species. I was involved in ...
My introduction to Cranfield University
Wayne Coulter2021-12-17T09:49:20+00:0017/12/2021|“Cranfield” | agrifood | Environment and Agrifood | Food | Food Chain Systems | food systems and management | student blog|
Hello! My name is Maria, I'm proudly Mexican, and I want to introduce you to my journey at Cranfield University. My background is nutrition, and I decided to go for a Food Systems and Management ...
My experience and advice to future students
Grace Bourner2022-06-24T16:26:55+01:0007/12/2021|Environment and Agrifood | masterstudent|
Hello, my name is Joseph, I am the ripe old age of 27 and I am here to share my Cranfield journey with you all, maybe to help guide you in your own journey ...
Did the agricultural sector get enough attention at COP26 – the cow in the room?
Wayne Coulter2021-12-07T09:18:06+00:0007/12/2021|“Cranfield” | agrifood | COP26 | environment | Environment and Agrifood|
I attended the COP26 in Glasgow from 10-12th November 2021. It was an event that I was really excited to attend as I had been interacting with the COP26 Universities Secretariat who were instrumental ...
My group project with Industry
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:34:18+01:0023/07/2021|careers | challenges | Environment and Agrifood | environmental management for business | group project | Module|
Hello, my name is Kavya Jayaram from India and I am studying for my Environmental Management for Business MSc. I have recently finished my taught modules in the first term and also my group project, ...