Looking for audiobooks?
Helen Holmes2025-03-20T19:44:07+00:0029/08/2024|accessibility | audiobooks | books | disability | ebooks | knl | SOMLibrary|
Are you looking for an audiobook? Maybe you find them more convenient because you can listen to them on-the-go. Maybe you prefer to learn by listening. Or maybe you have a disability that means audiobooks ...
The importance of words in neurodiversity
James Hill2023-03-14T17:53:30+00:0014/03/2023|disability | dyscalculia | dysgraphia | dyslexia | dyspraxia | neurodivergent | neurodiversity|
The words we use in studying neurodiversity are important. It's easy to get caught up in the conversation about words. This is often generated by not wanting to cause offense or being in search of ...
If only… A snapshot of life with hearing loss
James Hill2022-09-30T17:12:02+01:0030/09/2022|accessibility | deaf | digital accessibility | disability | disabled | hearing impairment | hearing loss | inclusion|
If only… My day starts with being shaken awake by my vibrating alarm clock. Being deaf means that a normal alarm clock has no effect. After showering and dressing I put in my hearing aid ...
Me, myself, and anxiety
James Hill2022-05-13T14:14:13+01:0013/05/2022|anxiety | disability | hidden disability | mental health | Wellbeing|
Then and now I remember the moment very well – I was sat at a desk talking to my boss, pointing out the key elements of a strategic plan. I was in quite a stressful ...
Action for Brain Injury Week (17 to 23 May 2021)
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:11:49+01:0014/05/2021|brain | brain injury | disability | disabled | diversity | hidden disability|
In September 2017 I sustained a brain injury following a cardiac arrest. You may recognise my name from the CPR training that has been held at Cranfield over the last few years. But this blog ...
Changing attitudes towards disability – #PurpleLightUp celebrates global economic contribution of disabled people
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:28:12+01:0003/12/2020|disability | disabled | staff | UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities|
Being disabled is tough, but what sometimes makes it tougher is the attitudes and a lack of awareness and understanding from others. Today, 3 December, is the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities. At ...