cranfield university
Unearthing Britain’s Pompeii in Must Farm: was it arson?
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:18:45+01:0019/01/2016|Tags: "Bronze Age", "Must Farm", cranfield defence and security, cranfield university, fire, Forensics, Karl Harrison|
This month archaeologists discovered Britain’s Pompeii in Cambridgeshire. It is thought that a fire destroyed the wooden houses which may have formed part of a settlement at Must Farm quarry and which date back to ...
Airport design: should they be dull and technical or fun and enjoyable?
Henrik Rothe2015-12-10T16:19:14+00:0010/12/2015|Tags: airport design, airport infrastructure, airport management, airport planning, airport shopping, aviation, cranfield university, henrik rothe|
Airports are in transition, in a shift from the passenger process of getting passengers on and off planes, to passenger service: providing a user-friendly, comfortable travel experience. Occasionally airports are mistakenly called shopping malls, but even the ...
How can we reduce flooding in places like Carlisle?
Dr Timothy Farewell2015-12-09T17:12:51+00:0009/12/2015|Tags: agrifood, carlisle, catchment management, cranfield university, cumbria, farming, flood plains, flooding, soil, soilscapes, timothy farewell|
In the past week, rainfall in Cumbria has caused flooding of homes, wreaked havoc on the transport network, and resulted in one death. It certainly seems that these ‘unprecedented’ weather events are becoming more common, ...