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cranfield forensic institute

Explosive Effects On Structures (EES) module – a day with Alford Technologies

04/05/2021|Tags: , , , |

On the 9th of March 2021 a group of us from the Explosive Effects on Structures module embarked on a trip to Alford Technologies in Wells. Alford Technologies specialises in developing explosive tools to support Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Breaching/Explosive Method of Entry and Explosive Engineering communities – so a great place to partake in our first face to face practical of the year. So far that week we had learnt about how blast effects different structures and materials, and it was now time to see some of that theory in action.

Being a real life crime scene investigator: Blog 2 – Studying at Cranfield

31/01/2019|Tags: , , , , , |

Studying the Forensic MSc Programme full-time at Cranfield University provided me with a valuable stepping stone to pursue a career in the forensic field. I elected for the MSc Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology degree as ...

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