country information
Introducing… the UK Data Service (UKDS)
Helen Holmes2025-02-20T15:28:55+00:0006/03/2025|barrington | country information | data | economics | gme | knl | macroeconomics | mirc | SOMLibrary | statistics | uk data service | ukds | web-mirc-economics|
If you’re looking for a gateway to key economic and social data, then you might like to take a look at the UK Data Service (UKDS). What's included? Offering a wide range of secondary data ...
Finding economic data on Passport
Helen Holmes2025-01-15T15:29:28+00:0016/01/2025|country information | data | gme | knl | macroeconomics | passport | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-economics|
One of the quickest and easiest ways to find global economic statistical data from a range of authoritative sources is to use Passport. Passport, a Euromonitor product, has both quarterly and annual historical data going ...
Sourcing country analysis – a guide to Library sources
Helen Holmes2025-03-13T18:20:27+00:0023/08/2024|bmi | country information | FitchConnect | gme | knl | mirc | passport | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-economics|
For those researching a country, you will find that country information tends to take two forms: Analysis - country reports are descriptive reports covering most areas of interest on a country. They contain an analysis ...
Introducing… BMI from FitchSolutions
Helen Holmes2024-06-07T12:08:42+01:0013/06/2024|bmi | country information | data | FitchConnect | FitchSolutions | gme | industries | knl | macroeconomics | market research | mirc | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-economics | web-mirc-industry|
BMI, from FitchSolutions, (previously FitchConnect), is one of our favourite resources for industry and country data and analysis. Industry and sector reports To access the industry and sector research, you can use the navigation bar ...
Changes to FitchConnect…
Karen Stokes2024-05-09T14:13:00+01:0014/05/2024|barrington | bmi | country information | dmda | FitchConnect | gme | knl | macroeconomics | market research | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-economics | web-mirc-industry|
Those of you who have been using FitchConnect may have noticed that things are changing. The BMI content we subscribe to being migrated to its own platform. In the meantime, when you login to Fitch, ...
Researching… global macroeconomics
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T11:00:47+00:0003/03/2023|country information | FitchConnect | gme | macroeconomics | mirc | passport | SOMLibrary | statista | ukds | web-mirc-economics|
In the School of Management Library at this time of year we are asked lots of questions on where to start researching a country and its economy. Here are some hints and tips on how ...