company information
Finding company profiles and SWOT analyses
Angela Sparks2025-02-12T11:38:46+00:0013/02/2025|Tags: company information, dmda, ebsco, ecbs, factiva, interviews, knl, mirc, muscat, passport, proquest, SOMLibrary, swot, web-mirc-company|
If you are researching a company for a project or job interview, a company profile will be really helpful, as will a SWOT analysis. A profile will give you the basic information you need about ...
How do I create a share price graph in Bloomberg?
Karen Stokes2025-01-08T10:54:31+00:0012/09/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, company financials, company information, data, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
One of the simplest – and coolest – things even a beginner can do on Bloomberg is to produce a company share price graph. If you’ve never done this before – or if the very ...
Finding competitor analysis for companies
Karen Stokes2024-08-23T13:17:24+01:0014/08/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, capitaliq, company financials, company information, factiva, fame, ibisworld, mirc, peer analysis, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-finance|
Often when you are researching a company, it will be useful to compare it to its peers. Here are some resources you can use to find and compare competitor companies. Peer Comparison and Peer Analysis ...
Where can I find credit ratings for companies?
Tracey Nunn2023-02-20T19:24:04+00:0016/06/2021|Tags: Bloomberg, company financials, company information, credit ratings, fame, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
A credit rating (or score) is a measure of a company or corporation’s ability to meet their financial commitments based on their previous dealings. It can also be viewed as a measure of a company’s credit worthiness when ...
Creating a mailing list in FAME
Tracey Nunn2023-02-20T19:31:49+00:0002/03/2020|Tags: company information, fame, knl, mailing lists, mirc, SOMLibrary|
Did you know that FAME, one of our finance resources, also has the functionality to create mailing lists for British and Irish companies? This can be particularly useful if you need to produce a list ...
Using Factiva to research a company
Angela Sparks2023-04-14T10:37:13+01:0013/09/2019|Tags: company information, dmda, ecbs, factiva, knl, mirc, muscat, news, newspapers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company|
If you’re tasked with researching a company, your first port of call might be to search Fame or EBSCO Business Source Complete. Your immediate reaction might not be to look at Factiva. However, for larger ...