Changes to the Factiva interface

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed that the Factiva homepage has changed and we are no longer taken directly to the search forms that we traditionally use. To access these, you need to open ‘Classic Factiva’.
To access search functionality, please use the ‘Switch Factiva’ button at the top-right of the screen. This will take you back into what they currently call ‘Classic Factiva’, see below.

Classic Factiva
Here you have access to search screens and can use either the Free Text search or the Search Form.
If you need more information about searching in the classic version of Factiva, check out our blog post Introducing… Factiva.
Why can’t I use the new Factiva? You can! There are lots of good things about the new Factiva – it features a new search capability that enables natural language to be interpreted more accurately, so no need to use Boolean searching and less reliance on getting the right keywords. But, it is still in development, so lacks some of the capabilities of the classic, with the biggest drawback being that you cannot download articles. Until Factiva gets this sorted for their new version, we are recommending you stick with the Classic version.
Happy Searching. If you have any questions about Factiva, newspaper content, or any other area of Library services, please do get in touch.
Feature image by AbsolutVision on Pixabay. Available at:
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