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Homepage / Finding economic data on Passport

Finding economic data on Passport


© Bing Digital

One of the quickest and easiest ways to find global economic statistical data from a range of authoritative sources is to use Passport.  Passport, a Euromonitor product, has both quarterly and annual historical data going back in some cases to 1977 and also provides several years’ worth of forecasts for some economic indicators e.g. GDP, inflation, population, foreign direct investment to name but a few.  Information is obtained from national statistics offices, governmental and official sources.

For macroeconomic data:

  1. Click on the ‘Economies’ option on the Passport top menu bar.

Screenshot - choosing economies 1

2. Then click on ‘Economy, Finance and Trade’.

3. In the ‘Explore Categories’ menu (highlighted below) select ‘Economies’ from the dropdown list and click on ‘GO’. This will take you to the Euromonitor ‘category tree’ where you can  either search for or browse to the data you require.

Screenshot - explore categories

4. Within the Category Tree, you can drill down within data categories for more specific datasets. Click on the ‘+’ icon next to a category to explore subcategories. (These are definitely worth exploring).  Drill down as far as you can before checking any boxes – this will ensure you get the level of data you require.

Screenshot - category tree

5. Select the category or categories you require using the check-boxes and click on ‘Next’ (at the bottom right) to move on to selecting your country or countries. 

6. Select your countries in a similar fashion.  You can choose from individual countries or select a pre-defined group, such as MINT, from the ‘Geographies’ dropdown menu on the right.

Screenshot - select countries

7. Once you have added all your countries, click on the grey/white ‘Search’ button (highlighted above – this turns white once you have made your selection) to run the search.

8. Passport displays results under three tabs. You will find data in the left-hand tab, under ‘Statistics’.

Screenshot - results: statistics

9. Click on any option to view an individual dataset – or on ‘View Full Data Set’.

Screenshot - viewing results

Viewing data in Passport

  • Use ‘Convert Data’ to select currency displayed and other options.
  • Amend your date range using the dropdown menus.
  • Use the download option to export to Excel or PDF.

Macroeconomic data is also easily accessible via BMI. Find out more here.

If you have any questions about data and where to find it, contact the Library Service for advice.

Feature image from Pixabay. Available at:

Helen Holmes

Written By: Helen Holmes

An Assistant Business Librarian since 2023, Helen provides support for SOM students and staff

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