Introducing… Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC)

If you’re looking for a course that provides an introduction to the global economy and financial markets, then Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) might be the answer.
Created by Bloomberg, BMC is an e-learning tool. It is an interactive self-paced certification course delivered through the Bloomberg terminal. The course content utilises Bloomberg data, news and analytics to teach financial concepts. It consists of a library of courses enabling you to learn more about the financial markets, and Bloomberg.
The Core Concepts course has 4 modules (takes approx. 8 hours) which cover the following areas:
- Economic Indicators
- Currencies
- Fixed Income
- Equities
There are also further modules which you can take:
Terminal Basics (approx. 2 hours) explains the Bloomberg terminal functionality including the keyboard, command line, tabs, menus and autocomplete to help navigate the platform and find the data. It also covers screening for stocks and bonds and downloading data to Excel. [Highly recommend to complete if you are going to be using the Bloomberg terminal as a tool for your assignments and data collection for a thesis].
Commodities (approx 1.5 – 2 hours) introduces the background to the market, key players and how trades are made.
Equity Options (approx 1.5 – 2 hours) explains the Stock Options market and the language that is used and how trades work in this market.
Portfolio Management (approx. 2 hours) explains how to create a portfolio, learn how to invest in your portfolio and use tools to analyse the performance of your portfolio. [Please note: no live trading is possible on Bloomberg academic subscriptions].
After successful completion of the Core Concepts modules of BMC [identified by a blue badge ], you will receive a certificate of completion which is available to download and include on your CV or attach to your LinkedIn profile.
To get started on the BMC, you need to login to Bloomberg’s Certification pages. Simply type BCER <GO> into the terminal to open the Bloomberg for Education Certification menu. First you will need to create a separate login by signing up for the e-learning courses. You can then login and access the BMC modules as described above in addition to Bloomberg’s ESG certification course. Please bring your own headphones as there is video material included.
School of Management students can request a course-specific ‘course code’ for BMC – but a code is not compulsory to register for access.
Remember to book your Bloomberg terminal in advance. More information – and how to book – is available on our webpages. Remember to bring your own headphones. Bluetooth headset users should bring their dongle too!
If you have any questions about BMC or the BCER, then please contact the SOM Library.
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