My Cranfield MSc – From Spain to England, my experience so far
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:21:23+01:0029/04/2021|Tags: Scholarships, women in stem|
Enara Martin is a Spanish student studying Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering MSc at Cranfield University. She was also the recipient of the ‘Promoting Women in STEM Award’ in 2020. One of the things ...
My apprenticeship journey at Cranfield University
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:01:24+01:0008/02/2021|Tags: apprentice, national apprenticeship week|
When I finished my GCSE’s I started my A levels as a lot of people do, however I didn’t enjoy them much so I wasn’t particularly interested. I was torn, as I wanted to go ...
NERC Digital Environment programme – Webinar series launched
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:41:52+01:0011/11/2020|Tags: webinar|
Announcing a series of open webinars organised by the NERC Digital Environment programme. The Constructing a Digital Environment programme are running a series of online Webinars, to be held every three weeks, aiming to develop ...
Honour the past, sponsor a piece of the future
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:43:11+01:0006/11/2020|Tags: alumni, flying classroom, NFLC, Saab 340B, stepupnetwork|
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to give the gift of wide-open skies to a new generation of high-flyers. "I wake up every day with renewed desire to make the NFLC campaign a success" Imagine the feeling, the soaring ...
My life as an RAF Engineer
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:44:10+01:0004/11/2020|Tags: engineer, engineering, RAF, this is engineering day|
I’ve noticed that engineers are often reluctant to put ourselves forward and shout from the roof tops about how important our role is, how much fun it can be and how we can #BeTheDifference. Engineers ...
My career journey after Cranfield University
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:45:12+01:0003/11/2020|Tags: alumni, engineering, this is engineering day|
After the intense, yet enjoyable year of studying Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc in Cranfield University, I felt equipped to return to my home country, Ghana to commence my career journey. Since returning to Ghana after ...