Research students
Keeping you updated on my thesis experience!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:19:47+01:0021/07/2020|
Nice to have you all back on my blog! Well, I am happy that you would be joining me on the last phase of my master’s degree programme here at Cranfield University. I am so ...
My PhD Journey at Shrivenham – Part 1
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:40:37+01:0002/07/2020|Tags: defence and security, Forensics, PhD|
My background is as an analytical chemist and a forensic scientist. I have a BSc and an Erasmus Mundus Masters in Forensic Science, and after I finished my Masters, I worked for a while as a scientist. However, I always enjoyed research, so I knew that I wanted to do a PhD at some point. When I came across the position at Cranfield, I thought the project sounded interesting and applied.
CFI group at the German electron synchrotron (DESY)
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:44:12+01:0030/06/2020|Tags: defence and security, Experiment, Forensics, PhD, research|
A group of three PhD students from Cranfield Forensic Institute finished a four day visit to DESY, the German electron synchrotron in Hamburg. The group was led by Marleen Vetter, whose PhD project explores novel aspects of polymers under stress. This was this first time the scientists at DESY had used their state of the art X-ray Raman system to look at this sort of material, and they were very interested to see how it would perform.
The effects of lockdown on study and life
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:44:47+01:0025/06/2020|
The UK was put into lockdown on 23 March to limit the spread of COVID-19. It happened two weeks after I came back to the UK from South Korea. All facilities in the University were ...
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:45:02+01:0025/06/2020|
I was just 6 months into my PhD when this pandemic started. I had just gotten used to being in a new environment, got a new house and suddenly something changed. I found myself having to adapt to a new situation, and I kept ...
Improve your productivity when working from home: The Pomodoro Technique.
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:45:35+01:0023/06/2020|
The global coronavirus lockdown has forced many people (PhD students included) to work from home for the first time, or for way longer than before. Some people have embraced this change readily, adapting to this ...