School of Management
Why combatting deshopping is key to retail success
Alix Elwin2023-07-07T13:04:31+01:0007/07/2023|Tags: deshopping, e-commerce, future of everything, marketing, retail, sales, Strategic Marketing MSc, sustainability|
From clothing worn once for a special event then returned for a full refund, to tins of half-used paint taken back to store containing a brick to make up the weight, fraudulent returns are ...
The importance of big ideas: How small businesses can maximise their impact
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-05-31T16:26:29+01:0030/05/2023|Tags: bettany centre, cranfield bettany centre, entrepreneurship, school of management, smallbusiness, Sustainability MSc, sustainable business, VentureDay|
Every year the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship hosts our annual entrepreneurship conference VentureDay. We are proud to have some small and medium enterprise (SME) owners on staff, including Heni Cloake and Gabriela Pearson, who share ...
Embracing a Marketing and Leadership MSc Apprenticeship
Hayley Rook2024-07-16T17:44:26+01:0025/05/2023|Tags: cranfield school of management, level 7 apprenticeships, Senior Leader Apprenticeship+ Marketing and Leadership MSc, student experience|
A Q&A with Faizah Azeem Why did you decide to undertake a postgraduate apprenticeship in Marketing and Leadership? Cranfield delivers a unique programme that sits well with professionals wanting to develop themselves into expert ...
Life on campus with a family
Lina Mitchell2023-05-24T10:18:38+01:0016/05/2023|Tags: Family life on campus, International Families Day, international students, life on campus, university with family|
Here at Cranfield University, we provide a safe and supportive environment for students to bring their families with them when they come to study with us. Our current students share their thoughts on living on ...
Studying MSc Management: A Journey of Personal Growth and Professional Development for an International Student
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-05-09T12:40:50+01:0009/05/2023|Tags: #InternationalStudents, cranfield school of management, management msc, management programme|
As an international student with a background in English and literature, I've always been interested in the power of words to alter our perspective of the world. My studies in these topics have given me ...
Marketing sustainability claims: How to avoid greenwashing
Alix Elwin2023-04-05T16:18:18+01:0021/03/2023|Tags: corporate sustainability, Greenwashing, Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc, marketing, Strategic Marketing Forum, Strategic Marketing MSc, sustainability, Sustainability MSc, Sustainable marketing|
As businesses strive to market themselves to best appeal to today’s sustainability-conscious consumers, it is perhaps inevitable that claims will be made that don’t necessarily give the truth, the whole truth and nothing but ...