School of Management
How to decide where and when to embark on an MBA Programme
Clare Hanson2023-07-28T10:21:13+01:0025/07/2023|Tags: “Cranfield”, cranfield school of management, cranfield university, entrepreneurship, mba, school of management|
Undertaking an MBA during a period of economic uncertainty may seem like a daunting prospect, even though you may completely understand that having an MBA ‘under your belt’ will only enhance your future employability prospects. ...
Unveiling Uruguay’s Business Landscape and Cultural Tapestry – A Remarkable MBA Assignment Journey
Clare Hanson2023-07-20T09:33:20+01:0020/07/2023|Tags: cranfield school of management, cranfield university, mba, school of management, student experience, study tour|
In June 2023, our MBA students embarked on their international element of their MBA programme. The 2022/23 cohort were split into three groups and were taken to visit partner institutions in Japan, Greece and Uruguay, ...
Should I pursue a scholarship?
Zoe Nimmo2023-07-19T10:12:53+01:0012/07/2023|Tags: Scholarships, student experience, transformation mba|
When a student, staff member, or faculty come to Cranfield, they become part of our team. A team that is close-knit and who look out for one another even after graduating or moving on to ...
Innovation at Play: Empowering change-makers in the food sector (Entrepreneurship Perspective)
Victoria Reilly2023-07-11T17:04:43+01:0011/07/2023|Tags: entrepreneurship, Exploring Sustainable Futures, future food sustainability, innovation|
I had the pleasure of being involved in organising and running a workshop for PhD students from the Food Biosystems DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership). The Sustainable Business Group (SBG) delivered the morning session, a simulation ...
Innovation at Play: Empowering change-makers in the food sector (Sustainability Perspective)
Victoria Reilly2023-07-11T17:04:07+01:0011/07/2023|Tags: entrepreneurship, Exploring Sustainable Futures, future food sustainability, innovation|
In early June, The Sustainable Business Group delivered the first half of a dynamic two-part workshop for the FoodBioSystems DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership) that combined a simulation game centred around systems thinking with applied innovation ...
Sailing, Learning and the Thrill of Discovery!
Lina Mitchell2023-07-07T13:09:31+01:0007/07/2023|Tags: leadership, management msc, Personal growth, teamwork|
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the ...