Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
Life in Fruit Towers – working with Innocent Drinks on my Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc thesis
Nuel Manurung2017-09-08T11:41:03+01:0008/09/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, London, som, Thesis Project|
Time flies! It’s been a while since my last blog, which I wrote when we were on our study tour, and now it's the time of the year for our thesis project! As logistics and ...
Indonesia Study Tour 2017 – Day 5 (John Hardy)
Matthew Heaford2017-05-23T12:03:44+01:0023/05/2017|
The final day of our Indonesian study tour saw us head north of Denpasar, Bali to John Hardy, a fine artisan hand craft jeweller. With such an interesting visit there are numerous elements to comment on. ...
Jenggala Pottery – beauty made in Bali
Elisabeth Lee2017-05-23T11:50:10+01:0023/05/2017|Tags: Bali, Indonesia, msc|
Contrasting to the efficiency of mass manufacturing that we saw over the past days, the Jenggala pottery designs and produces exquisite hand-crafted ceramicware. Forty years ago, the company arose from the friendship between a magnate ...
Visit to Sinar Sosro Tea Bottling Plant
Vidar Hauan2017-05-23T11:42:52+01:0023/05/2017|
Sinar Sosro is a conglomerate which produces eight brands of tea and soft drinks. Sinar Sosro has a vertical integrated supply chain. They have their own plantations and 14 factories spread all over Indonesia and ...
Visiting Alf Mizzi & Sons distributor in Malta!
Kelly Kim2017-05-23T11:02:36+01:0023/05/2017|Tags: #studytour, cranfieldscm, cranfielduniversity, internationalstudent, kellysanyday, Malta, masterstudent|
[su_custom_gallery source="media: 6866" width="209" height="314" title="never"]LSCM & PSCM students visited Maltese F&B distributor. The company name is Alf. Mizzi & Sons. The Alf. Mizzi & Sons (Marketing) Group operates in the field of sales, distribution ...
Our visit to the brewing company Farsons – full-time Supply Chain Management study tour day three!
Kelly Kim2017-05-15T15:36:37+01:0015/05/2017|Tags: #studytour, cranfieldlscm, cranfieldpscm, cranfieldscm, cranfielduniversity, internationalstudent, kellysanyday, Malta, masterstudent|
Kelly here again! 🙂 We are having great time here in Malta - we're loving it! (I wrote this blog when I was in Malta, I just uploaded this posting later!) Yesterday, we went to ...