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Homepage / Forensics / Page 6


Why I chose to study Forensics at Cranfield

28/10/2020|Tags: , , , , , |

My decision to study the MSc Forensic Explosive and Explosion Investigation came relatively easily. I have always had a huge fascination with Crime and Forensics. I can often be found binge watching the latest true crime documentary on Netflix, so entering a career in this field seemed like a really logical next step. What really sealed the deal, and especially my choice to apply for the Explosive course at Cranfield..

Starting my MSc journey at Cranfield Forensic Institute

26/10/2020|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Whether you are 18 or 28 leaving home is never easy. Exiting one’s comfort zone and leaving the people you love is challenging no matter what your age. Doing this in a global pandemic, with even more uncertainty added to the mix, was quite the stress inducing experience. Thankfully, I had plenty experience of leaving home before I started my journey at Cranfield University.

My PhD Journey at Shrivenham – Part 2

06/07/2020|Tags: , , , , |

I have always wanted to become a scientist, even when I was younger, so my family was never surprised I wanted to do a PhD. It is sometimes a little hard to explain to them what exactly I do, as no one in my family is a scientist, but they are always supportive and proud of what I do. With my friends, those that are not scientists are happy that I found something I enjoy, even if they may not understand exactly what I talk about sometimes. My more scientific friends are happy that I found an interesting scientific challenge to explore.

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