Entrepreneurship and making water from waste: Bottles for Growth and the Social Venture Challenge
Dr Maarten van der Kamp2015-12-18T17:02:43+00:0018/12/2015|Tags: bottles for growth, cranfield bettany centre, cranfield school of management, entrepreneurship, innovation, social venture challenge, sustainability, water, water resources, water scarcity|
Cranfield University’s Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship recently organised the University’s first Social Venture Challenge, a start-up weekend aimed at encouraging students to 'think like entrepreneurs' about ways to solve complex social and environmental issues to ...
How can we reduce flooding in places like Carlisle?
Dr Timothy Farewell2015-12-09T17:12:51+00:0009/12/2015|Tags: agrifood, carlisle, catchment management, cranfield university, cumbria, farming, flood plains, flooding, soil, soilscapes, timothy farewell|
In the past week, rainfall in Cumbria has caused flooding of homes, wreaked havoc on the transport network, and resulted in one death. It certainly seems that these ‘unprecedented’ weather events are becoming more common, ...