Cranfield and Exeter’s journey to the European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:28:19+01:0007/01/2020|Tags: astronautics, space engineering|
We are a team of seven students, five from the Cranfield MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering, one Cranfield’s PhD student in the space group and one PhD student from Exeter University (our worm experts-more later) ...
From Malaysia to Cranfield, to Washington D.C. – Part Two
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:34:31+01:0019/12/2019|
Houston we have lift-off. This story is a continuation from part one where I shared my story as a PhD student at Cranfield University and my recent experience at the International Astronautical Congress 2019 as ...
Q&A with Iain Gray, Director of Aerospace at Cranfield University.
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:38:47+01:0012/12/2019|
With the drive for a more sustainable Aviation Industry, what changes do you foresee in Commercial Aircraft to help realise this vision? "I think this year has seen the sector recognise and appreciate the ...
First joint research paper Cranfield – TNO
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:46:32+01:0027/11/2019|
The collaboration between the Dutch research organisation TNO and Cranfield’s National Flying Laboratory Centre (NFLC) has resulted in a seminal joint scientific paper in Applied Ergonomics. The paper describes a study showing that spatial disorientation ...
My experience at the European Mars Conference 2019
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:48:09+01:0020/11/2019|
My name is Jesus Lucero, I am a Spanish student currently studying the MSc in Astronautics and Space Engineering. I am member of a Group Design Project directed by Dr. David Cullen and Dr. Joan ...
From Malaysia to Cranfield, to Washington D.C. – Part 1.
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:54:25+01:0011/11/2019|
Ten years ago, I would not have expected to be here. I am a PhD student here at Cranfield University working on the Cranfield’s bioCubeSat programme named BAMMsat (small satellite with biological experiments). I am ...