My experience at the British Antarctic Survey
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:28:43+01:0006/04/2020|
Last month I had the chance to visit one of the most fascinating science institutions that I know in the United Kingdom, the British Antartic Survey (BAS). It is an institute of the Natural Environment Research ...
How often do we use robots?
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:38:16+01:0004/03/2020|Tags: robotics, robots|
How often do we use robots, will collaborative/companion robots with better Human Robot Interactions change the world? My name is Raviteja Burugu, I am from India and I am studying an MSc in Robotics at ...
Cranfield and Exeter’s journey to Esrange Space Center in Sweden for the BAMMsat project
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:39:54+01:0028/02/2020|
Header image: A beautiful aurora for our last day at Esrange. We are a team BoB (BAMMsat-on-BEXUS). Thanks to the REXUS/BEXUS programme, we will be launching a version of Cranfield bioCubeSat programme called BAMMsat. Thanks ...
Turmoil in the sky
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:58:28+01:0011/02/2020|
The environmental impact of aircraft carbon footprint is of rising importance to all operators as consumer demand for air travel continues to grow. The aviation industry holds a small contribution to global emissions, but unequivocally, ...
The Future of Aviation: Aircraft Electrification
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:09:13+01:0006/02/2020|Tags: aircraft, aircraft vehicle design, aviation|
Introduction – The need for electric propulsion In the automotive industry, electrification is developing at a fast rate. In the UK, both electric and hybrid cars are becoming a common sight on the roads, as ...
My experience of studying an MSc in Robotics
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:14:15+01:0027/01/2020|
Hello, my name is Raviteja Burugu, I am from India and I am studying an MSc in Robotics. In this blog I will share my experience as a student during the Induction Week and first ...