Working with Cranfield students to build cargo drones – an industry partner perspective
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:48:05+01:0012/04/2021|Tags: aerospace, aviation, Cargo, control, drones, logistics, propulsion, uavs|
Our early stage company, Flugauto Inc, is designing advanced unmanned aerial systems for cargo delivery and is teaming up with Cranfield Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control MSc students to work on propulsion and unmanned vehicle ...
My Cranfield MSc – Flying in a Jetstream 31 and Scottish Aviation Bulldog
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:56:29+01:0030/03/2021|
In my previous background, I majored in electronics and communication engineering. So, I often found myself surrounded by soldering irons, transistors and breadboards. Cut to years after my undergraduate days, I felt like I needed ...
Lockdown Learning – My Cranfield MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:56:57+01:0030/03/2021|
Welcome back to reading my next post of my series of blogs! In this post, I will tell you about my MSc experience during the Christmas 2020 lockdown period, and the advanced tools I have ...
My experience of Astronautics and Space Engineering MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:57:28+01:0030/03/2021|Tags: astronautics, engineering, space, space engineering|
I have found that the Astronautics and Space Engineering MSc has given me all the relevant opportunities to study the things I have been passionate about for the last few years. It was the perfect ...
My Cranfield MSc: Robotics MSc – my experience so far
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:58:24+01:0029/03/2021|Tags: aerospace, robotics|
Hello! My name is Angelos Dimakos, and I am from Greece. I am currently studying for an MSc in Robotics at Cranfield University. I am also the Course Representative for this course. Me and a ...
My student experience flight organised by the Cranfield National Flying Laboratory Centre, a truly once in a lifetime experience!
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:58:48+01:0029/03/2021|Tags: aerospace, transport systems|
On the 4 November 2020, I had the amazing chance to participate in the student flight organised by the Cranfield National Flying Laboratory Centre, a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience! As an Air Transport Management MSc student, ...