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Homepage / Archives for Georgina Parsons

About Georgina Parsons

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So far Georgina Parsons has created 20 blog entries.

Confused by copyright?

By |2023-02-20T20:32:39+00:0002/08/2017|Libraries|

As researchers are increasingly expected to publish research outputs online, including data, the question of copyright and licensing often arises. Are they different, and how do they affect each other? Because they have legal implications, ...

An open science checklist

By |2023-02-20T20:33:21+00:0005/07/2017|Libraries|

One reason that research data management has advanced in the priorities of the higher education sector in recent years is the "reproducibility crisis" in science. This has led many researchers and organisations to support a ...

Four tips for consent forms

By |2023-02-20T20:35:32+00:0028/03/2017|Libraries|

Having recently looked at data protection in research data management (RDM) generally, and anonymisation more specifically, now let's take a look at participant consent, as that's another common area for questions. Ethics support at Cranfield ...

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