A conference for collaboration and innovation
I’m Senior Lecturer in Biological Engineering at Cranfield Water Science Institute and I’m involved with organising the forthcoming 16th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies.
Currently the water sector is moving towards delivering services and high water quality production within the circular economy context, my current research at Cranfield is applied to municipal as well as industrial wastewater treatment, delivering optimised, innovative and economically feasible solutions to produce high quality effluents.
As we understand more about how microbial systems work, higher control and automation means capitalising on the advantages of those processes. To integrate these ideas, we require knowledge of certain areas, and we need to develop collaborations with all the key stakeholders, including fellow colleagues from academia, the water industry, technology suppliers and, when delivering the circular economy, this also includes regulators. The general public will also have a key voice in all those aspects.
To develop good collaborations, the best starting point is networking. Cranfield is collaborating with the IWA conference as co-organiser and I am chair of the organising committee for the conference. The conference is designed to be the place where new ideas, concepts, and innovation are introduced and this will provide an opportunity for different stakeholders to interact. It will provide a platform for creating new networks and new collaborations with people that have the same interests – related to improving and increasing efficiency within the water industry. We specifically want to discuss implementation of innovative processes and technologies that might be at various stages of development, exciting new areas that might actually change the way the water industry works at the moment!
If you’re interested in joining us at the IWA conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies you can register your place now.
The 16th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies takes place on 10th-14th June 2019 in Edinburgh, UK. For more details, see www.iwa-let.org.
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