Chang’s first blog post as an MSc student in LSCM @ Cranfield Uni
Hello everyone, my name is Chang Song. I am the Communications Representative for the Red Stream for the 2015/16 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme here in Cranfield University School of Management.
During the following 10 months or so I shall be sharing the overall Cranfield experience of myself and my classmates in this blog. Hopefully this could provide some insights for future students on what the student life is like in here.
Please do read on to find out my experiences during the first half month 😉
Moving and settling in…
Time does fly! It has been more than two weeks since I moved to Cranfield. If you are wondering what all these boxes in the photo are below, well, please don’t freak out when I tell you that they are my belongs…
The orientation week that followed was great. We spent time settling in and getting ourselves familiar with all buildings on campus, and most importantly, greeting with the faculties in the School of Management and all the other students on the course.
There were many good memories from the orientation week, but my personal highlight of the week goes to the ‘egg-dropping’ team-building exercise on Friday afternoon. Look what we’ve made!
Before the first official lecture started on Monday the 5th October. A group of us gathered together for Chinese hotpot, yum yum…
The first week…
The second week so far…
I promise there will be more ‘quality’ information that capture the intensity, hard work, fun, learning, environment and social aspects of all LSCMers’ experiences during the following months 😉
Just keep an eye on the blog!
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Wow. I love your summary of the first couple of weeks here. I am excited to see how much you have already done.