A year as a Water and Wastewater Engineering MSc student
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:29:18+01:0014/09/2018|Tags: engineering, msc, wastewater, water|
Before coming to Cranfield, I worked for over eight years as a Civil and Water Engineer for the private and non-profit sector. I worked in challenging contexts and, after spending five years in Haiti with ...
Why I co-organised Ripples make Waves
Sara Sanchez Lopez2017-03-22T08:56:00+00:0022/03/2017|Tags: MSc Environmental Water Management, Ripples make Waves, sanitation, wastewater, World Water Day|
That picture was taken two years ago. I was talking to a school in the USA, answering questions and translating answers into English from indigenous people talking about their life. Back then, I was working ...
Having a positive impact through designing dunnies
Dr Dani Barrington2017-01-26T16:27:10+00:0026/01/2017|Tags: cranfield toilet, nanomembrane toilet, research, santitation, wastewater, water, waterless toilet|
Since I was a little kid, I have always had to visit the toilet before speaking publicly; I am Queen of the Nervous Wee. Luckily, growing up in Australia, there was always a toilet available. ...
Going off-grid in Jordan – treating wastewater with solar power
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:54:08+01:0025/07/2016|Tags: jordan, renewable energy, solar power, wastewater, wastewater treatment, water treatment|
I am studying both the environmental impact and financial cost of an integrated wastewater treatment and renewable energy system for rural and remote locations in Jordan. In most developing countries, such as Jordan in the ...
Fatbergs in our sewers – are modern culinary habits to blame?
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:50:38+01:0005/02/2016|Tags: “Cranfield”, fat, fatberg, FOG, oil and grease, sewer blockage, STREAM IDC, wastewater, water, water research, water treatment|
Food is crucial in our life. Since the Neolithic period, our eating habits have dramatically evolved. Early man lived a nomadic life, hunting and picking fruits and vegetables. The revolution in our ancestors’ lifestyles came ...